Device recommendations

Colin Murray5 years ago

Im looking for a device to install in a vehicle that can read information from OBD2/CAN bus
information like speed, Fuel level/Battery level and such information
anyone have any ideas?

Joystick5 years ago

Teltonika FMC130 with a LVCan200 is what i use and it works fine.

Colin Murray5 years ago

the FMC130 is available from a local supplier
but cant seem to find a supplier for the LVCan200 but there is a allcan300 i can grab

Joystick5 years ago

AllCan300 works with FM devices as well. It is more expensive since it can read more can data on a bigger range of vehicles

nofuse2 years ago


I’m too using a FMC130 and considering getting a LV-CAN200, are you getting spent fuel data in summary reports etc?

Joystick2 years ago


I have set the LVCAN200 devices up to read the total fuel used and since the value constantly increases while the engine is running, I created a computed attribute with a virtual fuel tank.

Description: Fuel level (Virtual Tank)
Attribute: fuel
Expression: io83? 1000000-(io83*0.1):null
Type: Number

Summary reports use fuel level to calculate fuel usage, therefor the virtual tank will decrease if io83 increase and the server will calculate the fuel used. Teltonika can adaptors use io83 to communicate Fuel Consumed.

nofuse2 years ago


Slightly off topic but how does mileage now calculate using the LV-CAN with Traccar, is it still using the odometer value you set in Teltonika configurator or reading directly from the car?

Dave2 years ago


Hi I tried the computed attribute you shared and the tank is reducing but nothing shows in the summary pages? Is there something else I need to set up?

