Configuration of LDAP authentication

Bob Lwapula6 years ago

I am a beginer in using traccar. I have read the documentation on the configuration of an LDAP authentication server but I did not understand. Which lines should I add in the default file for the IP address of the LDAP server become, domain: test.local, OU=Security

Lukas Z.6 years ago
<entry key='ldap.enable'>true</entry>

<entry key='ldap.server'></entry>
<entry key='ldap.port'>389</entry>
<entry key='ldap.base'>ou=people,dc=nodomain</entry>
<entry key='ldap.idAttribute'>uid</entry>
<entry key='ldap.nameAttribute'>cn</entry>
<entry key='ldap.mailAttribute'>mail</entry>
<entry key='ldap.searchFilter'>(|(uid=:login)(mail=:login))</entry>
<entry key='ldap.adminFilter'>(cn=admin)</entry>
<entry key='ldap.user'>cn=admin,dc=nodomain</entry>
<entry key='ldap.password'>xxxxx</entry>
<entry key='ldap.force'>false</entry>
irfan atatuzun2 years ago

I have been searching all around for a proper active directory integration guidance but I couldn't find it so i decided to ask for your assistance. My xml is like that but it is not working. what am i missing ?

    <entry key='ldap.enable'>true</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.server'></entry>
    <entry key='ldap.port'>389</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.base'>objectclass=person,DC=ad1,DC=test,DC=com,DC=tr</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.idAttribute'>sAMAccountName</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.nameAttribute'>cn</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.mailAttribute'>mail</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.searchFilter'>(|(sAMAccountName=:login)(mail=:login))</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.adminFilter'>(cn=Domain Admins=:login)</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.user'>cn=administrator,OU=organizational_unit,DC=ad1,DC=test,DC=com,DC=tr</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.password'>password</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.force'>false</entry>

and here is my logs:

2022-11-06 22:32:07  INFO: Stopping server...
2022-11-06 22:32:09  INFO: Operating system name: Windows Server 2019 version: 10.0 architecture: amd64
2022-11-06 22:32:09  INFO: Java runtime name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Eclipse Adoptium version: 17.0.4+8
2022-11-06 22:32:09  INFO: Memory limit heap: 2048mb non-heap: 0mb
2022-11-06 22:32:09  INFO: Character encoding: Cp1254 charset: windows-1254
2022-11-06 22:32:09  INFO: Version: 5.4
2022-11-06 22:32:09  INFO: Starting server...
2022-11-06 22:32:09  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2022-11-06 22:32:10  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Added connection ConnectionID:1 ClientConnectionId: d9a9300c-e74b-4dd1-8935-d7e7f84f2e4b
2022-11-06 22:32:10  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2022-11-06 22:32:10  INFO: Set default schema name to dbo
2022-11-06 22:32:10  INFO: Clearing database change log checksums
2022-11-06 22:32:10  INFO: Successfully acquired change log lock
2022-11-06 22:32:10  INFO: Successfully released change log lock
2022-11-06 22:32:10  INFO: Successfully acquired change log lock
2022-11-06 22:32:11  INFO: Reading from DATABASECHANGELOG
2022-11-06 22:32:11  INFO: Reading from DATABASECHANGELOG
2022-11-06 22:32:11  INFO: Successfully released change log lock
2022-11-06 22:32:12  INFO: Your platform does not provide complete low-level API for accessing direct buffers reliably. Unless explicitly requested, heap buffer will always be preferred to avoid potential system instability.
2022-11-06 22:32:13  INFO: jetty-10.0.12; built: 2022-09-14T01:54:40.076Z; git: 408d0139887e27a57b54ed52e2d92a36731a7e88; jvm 17.0.4+8
2022-11-06 22:32:13  INFO: Started o.t.w.@7ae0ea7{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2022-11-06 22:32:13  INFO: Session workerName=node0
2022-11-06 22:32:13  WARN: JAXBContext implementation could not be found. WADL feature is disabled.
irfan atatuzun2 years ago

for those who are having similar problem here is the solution

    <entry key='ldap.enable'>true</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.url'>ldap://</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.server'>ad1</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.port'>389</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.base'>DC=ad1,DC=test,DC=com,DC=tr</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.idAttribute'>sAMAccountName</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.nameAttribute'>cn</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.mailAttribute'>mail</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.searchFilter'>(|(sAMAccountName=:login)(mail=:login))</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.adminFilter'>(cn=Domain Admins=:login)</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.user'>cn=administrator,OU=organizational_unit,DC=ad1,DC=test,DC=com,DC=tr</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.password'>password</entry>
    <entry key='ldap.force'>false</entry>
irfan atatuzun2 years ago

could not make ldap.adminFilter to work for domain admins members. may be you guy help with that