This is the endpoint that is being used:
endpoint={`/api/commands/send?deviceId=${deviceId}`}: CommandSendPage.js Line 98
Looks like your user has commands restricted.
How can I change this restriction?
You can remove it in the same place where you've added it. It's either user or server settings.
Ok so the limit command option is to prevent users from sending commands.
However there is a fix here:
Which uses limit command to limit showing only the selected commands for a user.
These are two different concepts.
Are you sending one of those? Have you compiled and deployed an updated backend?
For now, following the fix in the previous commit, I made these changes:
+import { useAdministrator } from '../common/util/permissions';
-const limitCommands = useRestriction('limitCommands');
+const limitCommands = !useAdministrator();
this way I force the standard users to have available only the pre-selected commands.
The admin, on the other hand, will have all commands.
Thanks for your help
This is in the web app. I asked about the backend.
No, I did not touch the backend.
The error is coming from the backend. You need to fix the backend as well.
When I send a command to a device, owned by a standard user, I get this error:
but it works when I send it using the admin account.
Any suggestions?
P.D I'm using the latest tracker manager and the latest server.
Thank you