How to reduce open tcp Ports on the Server?

trackback9 years ago

Thanks a lot for this great and free and cloud-free software!

I saw on my w7 "server" that there are ~ 100 open listening-tcp-Ports by the traccar service opened.

How can I activate only the needed ports ?

best regards

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

You can just remove unneeded ports from the config, it woul disable them.

trackback9 years ago

Thank you!

PoempelFox8 years ago

Sorry to resurrect this thread: While removing the unneeded ports from default.xml works fine, it does mean editing default.xml which will cause issues on updating. Is there no way to set this from traccar.xml? I've tried to set port to an empty string and "null" but both give an intparser-exception, and setting to 0 doesn't work either, it just selects a random port instead.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Unfortunately not. That the only case when you have to modify default.xml file.

AlexG7 years ago

I just resolved a problem on Win10 Pro when Traccar would not start.

It turns out port 5040 is used by Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and this port is also used by the "carscop" devices. I disabled (commented out) the "carscop" driver and all worked fine.

I would like to suggest that in the Windows build this port is disabled by default in the default.xml file, or people will also have problems running Traccar. If someone needs it they can re-enable it after they shutdown MS RPC (if not needed).