Hide existing attributes

Alf-DK4 years ago

I read somewhere here on the forum that you should be able to hide the attributes that you do not want to see, but can not find it again.

Does anyone know where it might be under documentation ???

or a topic where it is mentioned.


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

You can hide attributes using user attributes. There should be an option there. Don't remember what's it's called exactly.

Alf-DK4 years ago

Ok super, but as I see it I can only disable calculated attributes function and not a single attribute e.g. Io29 which I have made my own which is called power and therefore I would like to remove that Io29

Is that right or am I doing something wrong?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Your statement is incorrect. You should be able to hide any attributes.

Alf-DK4 years ago

ok then i'm doing something wrong.
but what ???

Alf-DK4 years ago

I should be able to hide any attribute yes, but how?

Have tried as admin. Tried all menus which have something to do with attributes, but no matter what I do I can not remove a single one.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Have you checked user attributes?

Alf-DK4 years ago

apparently not ...
is it a menu I have overlooked or a file that I need to edit
I do not get it!

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Settings > Account > Attributes > Add

Alf-DK4 years ago

Thank you.

But I'm sorry I do not know what I'm doing wrong because I can only remove the Computed Attributes function over in the State window with UI: Disable Computed Attributes

Have also tried UI: Hide Position Attributes

If this is one of the ones I need then I just need to figure out how to select the Attributes that I do not want to see ...

Alf-DK4 years ago

Has come to the conclusion that the function does not work or is not included in this version of Traccar.

Jan3 years ago

I know it's an old tropic but anyone found out how to hide these attributes when I show more info? I added computed attributes so they have the right name but I still have a long list of IOxx attributes (non computed) that are in the list that I would like to hide.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Legacy app? Where do you want to hide it from?

Jan3 years ago

If you click on a car/device on the map (web), and you click on 'more details' you get a list of attributes. I want to hide some of these non computed attributes because I have renamed them with computed attributes.

I'm running latest version of traccar 5.3

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

There's no way to hide it from there.