Web app selection in Traccar 5.3

Rhamean3 years ago

Thank you so much for such a grate App you have made, Dear Developers,
I wish you would have kept switching between modern and legacy web apps the same way as it had been before this version.
or giving a chance to choose either ways to setup app on server, clicking on the icon at the corner of login page or setting the key in the configuration file.
The best regards

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You can change it in the configuration file.

Oluwatobi3 years ago

HI Anton, Please is there any documentation to know how it can be changed from the configuration file, i seem not to be able to understand how.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago
<entry key='web.path'>./legacy</entry>
Rhamean3 years ago

Thank you so much Mr. Tananaev.
You are acting like a life saver for many people not to be disappointed and being hopeful instead.
I look forward to be a helper like you for others as soon as I can.

simplementese3 years ago

Thank you very much, apart from selecting the default ones.

Can you also go to the other one by putting the full path?

Is there a way before I can use both

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It is possible, but you would need to recompile the modern app to use the path.

Persia.Dev3 years ago

Hi everyone,
for some reason I need to use both at the same time.
any idea how may I do that?

Rhamean3 years ago

Sorry Mr.Tananaev,
You mean I should run "npm run build" again if I change <entry key='web.path'>./legacy</entry> to <entry key='web.path'>./modern</entry>?
As Persia.Dev says, What if the users need them both to use?
Could you help please?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You don't need to recompile the app if you just want to change the config. You have to recompile if you want to use the app in a subfolder.

Rhamean3 years ago

I work with the newest commit every day and I prefer working with Modern app.
But still I have no idea, how to set the app for both (Legacy and Modern), to be able switching to one another as it was by the end of July.
When I install my custom installer from source code I can only see one of them after running, but I wonder how to set back the way of switching to the other app when I put back the switching icon on the login page.
Sorry for asking again, Is it a good idea if I handle the ability of switching with your newest commit?
If it is, do I have to bring back "npm run build-release" for modern or you suggest me to do something else?
I appreciate your time Sir, and I hope you forgive me for my asking much.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago
Rhamean3 years ago

Thanks again for helping me Sir.
Best Regards

Cris2 years ago


<entry key='web.path'>./legacy</entry>

to /opt/traccar/conf/traccar.xml
didn't do the trick for me; the web interface remains modern.
What did I miss?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago
  1. Have you restarted the service?
  2. Have you cleared the browser cache?