Reports Interface

Neil Romig3 years ago

The new reports interface is taking some getting used to. Some requests:

  1. Can the devices dropdown be sorted by name.
  2. Can the selected criteria (device & period) be persistent so I can go from "Route" to "Trips" without having to re-enter everything again.
  3. I don't often use it, but legacy interface could select device groups for Route & Trips reports.

I'll raise these on GitHub if you can implement them.


Anton Tananaev3 years ago
  1. Please create a ticket.
  2. Please create a ticket.
  3. This one I'm not sure about. We deliberately restricted it to prevent people from requesting heavy reports. You can create a ticket, but we'll need to gauge the interest first before implementing it.
Neil Romig3 years ago

OK, I've raised 1 &2 as issues #1018 & #1019.
If I find I'm missing the group reports alot, I'll raise an issue for it, but understand the reasons for not including it.