Regarding Notification Token on Logout

mail2bishnoi3 years ago
  1. Does Traccar clear notification token on logging out?

  2. I'm using custom app and on logging out notification token is not cleared out and app is getting notifications.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago
  1. No.
  2. Yes.

The problem is that we really don't know which token to remove. I guess one option to remove all.

mail2bishnoi3 years ago
  1. Yes we can clearout all the tokens, but for multiple logins it will create further issue.

  2. Can we pass notification token in delete request and filter that token?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

That would require another native integration point. Possible, but probably a lot of changes for questionable value.

Iván Ávalos3 years ago

If by token you mean a Firebase token, and by custom app you mean a mobile app, then it is possible to remove the correct token if you store it in local storage when it gets generated on first startup. This is, assuming you have access to source code and programming skills. Once you retrieve the token from local storage, then you can use a function like this.

(Still, it would be nice if we could actually pass the token in the logout request, so Traccar handles it automatically.)

Anton Tananaev3 years ago