Traccar Client is not sending location to server in some Android phone

rahul_singh8 years ago

Hi anton,
last night i installed the tracker client app on my android, and its only keep showing the 4 status log -

  • service created
  • connectivity changed
  • location update
  • send failed

what's the main point of concern i need to focus on here!!
wanted to locate on my localhost, i entered my laptop ip address as server address and port no. 5050
and what is the concept of indoor outdoor here??
plz help me asap.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Why are you using port 5050?

rahul_singh8 years ago

sir actually , i tried most of the ports but it keep sending failed, so i entered this randomly.
i even don't know it exactly what to put according to my android Moto e1. plz help me in this also

neither its working on your demo phase, i also have used the default port- 5055

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Correct port is 5055, unless you changed it on the server side. If it doesn't work, check this guide:

rahul_singh8 years ago

sir , still i'm stuck on this. i've tried all the possibilities for this.
don't know why its not running even on the demo servers with port no. - 5055
it keep displaying send failed .

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

OK, please the results that you get on every step of the guide.

saikrupa20127 years ago

hi Anton,
Amazing work !!
I have used traccar client mobile app and traccar server to track my mobile. It works wonderfully.

now my server is on http://localhost:8082/ .
In traccar client android app its only showing the 4 status log -

service created
connectivity changed
location update
send failed

the default server URL on my traccar client app is :

what should i give my server URL on traccar client mobile app now ??

thanks in advance anton

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You should use your server address. What is your server IP or domain name? That's what you should be using instead of localhost.

saikrupa20127 years ago

thanks anton it's working!

iam looking forward to host my server on cloud :)

saikrupa20127 years ago

It worked then , but now it is not working .what might be the issue?:(
my ipv4 address:
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : is giving me error:
This site can’t be reached refused to connect.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

If the server is running, then the issue is with your network or firewall.

cosmic3 years ago

HI @Anton
I want to connect traccar client to localhost for development purpose. What is the server URL pattern I should be using?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

How are you running server on your phone?

cosmic3 years ago

my phone has traccar client installed. And traccar web app is running on localhost. @Anton

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

If you don't have the server on the same phone, then why are you talking about localhost?