cnt see device in traccar

Shaggy229 years ago

please what server i need to log in traccar manager when i have ip adress and i created my server on traccar. On web site working good but i cnt log in traccar manager. On server i created user with email and password to connect but dnt work. Please help me. Thank you

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

You need to put same URL that you use in browser.

Shaggy229 years ago

In my browser is http://localhost:8082/. its correct to use this in login ? when yes. still dnt look devices..

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Well, instead of localhost, you need to use actual server address.

viacom12349 years ago

I have the same problem with not being able to see the devices. I have put the server IP (not localhost) and no devices load. I am using traccar 3.6

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Please follow instructions here: