web folder missing from version 5.3 - causes 404 error after upgrade

Jon Williams3 years ago


I attempted the upgrade from 5.2 to 5.3 by dowloading from this URL


The upgrade went OK and the log file showed the new version starting without error. However the web URL returned 404 error.

Upon investigation the zip file downloaded doesn't contain the web folder as it usually does.

Should my upgrade process be copying this across from the previous version? My intuition says "No - use the version published with the code" but as it isn't there I dont know what to do.

All Advice appreciated.

Jon Williams3 years ago

Ignore me. I was being dumb.

(Hangs head in shame)

The web app has moved folders in 5.3 and my upgrade process copied across conf settings pointing at the old location.

Sergio Cano3 years ago

The same thing is happening to me. I updated to 5.3 and the web and Traccar Manager worked but now I get a 404 error. What does it say has changed? I have replaced the conf files and the previous bbdd.

Jon Williams3 years ago

There used to be a "web" folder containing both modern and legacy apps.

In 5.3 this has changed to two folders called modern and legacy

You can choose which you want to run by the web.path config option

<entry key='web.path'>./modern</entry>
<entry key='web.path'>./legacy</entry>

This is set to the modern option in conf/default.xml, but you can choose the legacy option by amending your conf/traccar.xml config file.

I made the mistake of using the config files from the old version when upgrading, which meant that the web.path option was unspecified in either default or traccar.xml. Dumb. Dumb Dumb.

Keeping the default.xml from the 5.3 version and amending traccar.xml to specify the web app I wanted worked for me.

Fidel Garza3 years ago

Thanks , I have the same problem with the old conf files.

<entry key='web.path'>./web</entry>

To this.

<entry key='web.path'>./modern</entry>

In file default.xml resolved.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

That's why we have this comments in the default.xml:

DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE. Use traccar.xml instead.