Android Mobile APP - device data refreshing problem on server 5.2

Niko Lync3 years ago


Official Mobile APP (modern) on server 5.2 after some time stops refreshing the device's position on the map. Also, when you enter "more details", the time (server, device, position) is not up to date - e.g. from an hour ago. Device state is displayed as online but position is outdated.

However, device still sending new data and after entering the reports / route, all data is up-to-date - only on the map and details are not refreshed.

After restarting the application everything is up to date and refreshing working correctly, but after some time the problem recurs.

Is it a known bug ? any help ?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Does it work in a browser on the same phone?

Niko Lync3 years ago

same issue :) after some time - now about 2 hours from logged in, vehicle position on map and "more details" information stops refreshing but in reports / route, all data is up-to-date.

Even the computer browser (tested on safari) has this problem. However, in the left panel for another device that is actually not working, the inactivity time is refreshed.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I don't understand this part:

in the left panel for another device that is actually not working, the inactivity time is refreshed.

Niko Lync3 years ago

Sorry, writing - left panel - I was looking at the application on the computer and not the phone.

It means I have e.q. two devices, one is working and sending data to server and the other is disconnected from power supply and not sending any data. I see both in the application, the first as online and the second as offline - for offline devices I can see e.g. 2 hours ago. In modern APP there is no similar last update time for the device that is online and if you want to check when they last sent data, you need to go into more details.

During the previously described issue , time for offline devices (like 1 hour ago) is up-to-date in the device list, but for online device, I can see out-of-date time in detail and the position data is also from the past. It only helps to close and open the application.

After switching to the legacy interface in the application, I do not notice this problem.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Online status mean the update was less than 10 minute ago.

Niko Lync3 years ago

OK but in my case, after some time from start Traccar Manager (modern) status shows online but when I entering "more details" of device, the time (server, device, position) is not up to date. looks like the "more details" link points to the wrong position ID - from the past instead of the last one. I think that is also why the map does not show the current position.

Probably is not a bug if no one else has reported it on the forum yet. Are there any settings in the configuration file that could related with this behavior ?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It sounds like the data is simply not updated. You should check browser developer tools to see what's going on.

jesusle3 years ago

Hi @tananaev

This problem happens when the app works in the background, when you open the app again in the foreground, the locations are no longer updated, the last version with the old interface did not present this problem (it did before, but it was solved) Apparently when doing the location update function no longer works.


Hi @tananaev

As @jesus leguizamon says, the app when it is backgroun and you return to it, it is not updating the screen with the location of the vehicles when you leave the palicaciln and re-enter.

You have to force exit and then enter to see the real location of the devices

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I understand what the problem is, but to move forward I would need details I asked for.

jesusle3 years ago

Hi Anton

How can I check browser developer tools if this happen in app manager?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Maybe we're talking about different issues?

Even the computer browser (tested on safari) has this problem.

jesusle3 years ago

Yes maybe but first he talk Android Mobile APP - device data refreshing problem on server 5.2.

I tested now Chrome and Internet explorer from phone, and they two make some update so still show new position.

If I change to legacy interface on app traccar manager, update location still working after background, just in modern not working

Niko Lync3 years ago

In my case it was exactly as the others write.

The problem is when the app comes back from the background. Sorry, but I was in too much of a hurry to write about the same problem in the Safari - I was wrong - similar problem occurred but when the computer was awakened from sleep mode - probably then the entire browser lost connection.