Traccar Logs

engdoug9 years ago

Hi Everyone,

I have made my install work with traccar client by cell phone...

But my GT06 is still not working ( It already worked in other paid website)

Where can I find the logs of received data in Traccar folder?

engdoug9 years ago

I ve found the logs @ /opt/traccar/logs

Have this HEX

2016-08-01 23:58:22 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364252303131363038303141323332392e373737315330343635302e37383139573030302e30323335343  2373030302e303030313030303031314c303030303030303029
2016-08-01 23:58:25 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364252303131363038303141323332392e373736345330343635302e37383236573030302e31323335353  2303030302e303030313030303031314c303030303030303029
2016-08-01 23:58:28 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364252303131363038303141323332392e373739385330343635302e37383739573030302e33323335373  1333030302e303030313030303031304c303030303030303029
2016-08-01 23:58:31 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364252303131363038303141323332392e373830335330343635302e37383736573030302e31323335373  3323030302e303030313030303031304c303030303030303029
2016-08-01 23:58:34 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364252303131363038303141323332392e373832325330343635302e37383736573030302e32323335383  0333030302e303030313030303031304c303030303030303029
2016-08-01 23:58:40 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364250303033353532323730343238393432343648534f31613429
2016-08-01 23:58:46 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364252303031363038303141323332392e373831395330343635302e37383736573030302e31323335383  4333030302e303030313030303031304c303030303030303029
2016-08-01 23:58:56 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364252303031363038303141323332392e373831395330343635302e37383736573030302e31323335383  4333030302e303030313030303031304c303030303030303029
2016-08-01 23:59:11 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364250303033353532323730343238393432343648534f31613329
2016-08-01 23:59:37 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364250303033353532323730343238393432343648534f31613429

Someone help me to indentfy what is my protocol/port ? I see that my GPS hardware did not send messages like others gt06 :(

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

It's TK103 protocol, port 5002 in Traccar. You need to use "027042894246" as the device id.

engdoug9 years ago

Anton Tannaev! It works!!!

3 Days already Lol... Man I Love You! Thanks!

But please tell me how you know that is one tk103 protocol ? (I've used the HEX converter but nothing makes sense to me, and I was not able to compare the protocols)

And please one more doubt,..I'm havving problem setting GMT in user manual i have:

Sample: 801#E8

I'm From Brazil and I need to Set -3GMT or W3 Right?

So I send command:

And my device Return Timezone E253 :(

Can you help me?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

This is how you can identify protocol:

As for timezone, you need to set it to GMT+0. That's what server expects.

jomart9 years ago

здраствуйте, установил на сервер traccar. подключаю gt06 порт 5023, не показывает местоположение. traccar 3.5. треккер данные посылает на карте не отоброжается, помогите help.

engdoug9 years ago

I had read this link before, but something is missing yet for me..... I didn't understand how to compare this:

2016-08-01 23:58:31 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364252303131363038303141323332392e373830335330343635302e37383736573030302e31323335373  3323030302e303030313030303031304c303030303030303029

with the data present in identify-protocol link

'tk103' : '(123456789012BP05123456789012345120101A6000.0000N13000.0000E000.0120200000.0000000000L000946BB)',
Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I guess you've missed the pard about hex decoder (

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

@jomart, как ваше сообщение к теме относится? К тому же обсуждение тут вообще на английском. Пожалуйста создайте свою тему.

engdoug9 years ago

No I got this part also! Unfortunely lol...

but nothing makes senses to me ...

I put the line

2016-08-01 23:58:31 DEBUG: [90A4698A: 5023 <] HEX: 2830323730343238393432  34364252303131363038303141323332392e373830335330343635302e37383736573030302e31323335373  3323030302e303030313030303031304c303030303030303029

into de hex decoder and got


*Sorry for born so stupid haha

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Well, you need to put there only HEX data, not the whole string with timestamp etc.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

By HEX data, I mean the numbers that come after word HEX and colon.

engdoug9 years ago
2830323730343238393432 34364252303131363038303141323332392e373830335330343635302e37383736573030302e31323335373 3323030302e303030313030303031304c303030303030303029



But still I don't see the tk103 protocol on it :/

'tk103' : '(123456789012BP05123456789012345120101A6000.0000N13000.0000E000.0120200000.0000000000L000946BB)',
Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Well, you also need to properly copy HEX from log file. You have added spaces in random places.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Here is your message comparing to the one from TK103 unit tests:
