I want to create an attribute to store the vehicle warranty date (say 31-Dec-2023). When I create an attribute of a device, it returned the following error. Any idea?
Column "EXPIRATIONTIME" not found; SQL statement: UPDATE tc_devices SET uniqueid = ?, phone = ?, model = ?, contact = ?, category = ?, disabled = ?, expirationtime = ?, name = ?, groupid = ?, attributes = ? WHERE id = ? [42122-206] - JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException (... < QueryBuilder:73 < *:140 < DatabaseStorage:103 < BaseObjectResource:98 < ...)
It seems like you're using web app from master branch with an outdated backend.
Maybe we copied it from the Git Hub because we implemented the new GPS device protocol layer. i.e. an outdated version is used.
The web app you're using has to match the backend.
I want to create an attribute to store the vehicle warranty date (say 31-Dec-2023). When I create an attribute of a device, it returned the following error. Any idea?