Google Map Layer

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

As the documentation clearly states, you configure it in the server settings, not user account.

Ali Raza6 years ago

Hi everyone,
The legal and technical possible usage of Google Maps in Traccar has been already discussed in detail here.

Follow the link of issue below:

New Feature Request details are here:

Ali Raza6 years ago

Currently you cannot use Google maps layers in Traccar legally, google will block your domain/IP if you have no API-KEY or without using APIs and directly using their tile server, For example using this URL: ({x}&y={y}&z={z}&s=Ga)

Macan6 years ago

Hi good people,

Can someone with experience tell me is there any free satellite Map Layer to use with Traccar or what Map layer do you use it ( a good alternative for google map) ?


chatiel6 years ago

URL en MAPA PERSONALIZADO como ADMIN:{x}&y={y}&z={z}&s=Ga

Lo que se debe cambiar es: lyrs=s
h = solo carreteras
m = hoja de ruta estándar
p = terreno
r = hoja de ruta alterada de alguna manera
s = solo satélite
t = solo terreno
y = híbrido

Espero poder ayudar.


Nelson Borke6 years ago

Hello everyone, I would like to know how to configure the traccar, so that he can read the map from the vectors.

I have GPS reports that in situations show routes above streets where there are houses and not on the streets.

The idea is that traccar take the references when the report is about the vectors.

I await your help.
Blessings and Greetings!

Danijel5 years ago

I use this for google maps layer:,traffic&hl=sl&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&s=Ga

It shows google map with traffic information

Zaqueu4 years ago

As Thiago Ventura (Brazilian comedian) says: "só gradece!" ...thanks everyone for the posts, as a beginner I have learned a lot from you! @Anton, this project fascinates me every day, thanks to all the cooperators.

Imzenreally3 years ago

I'm having a bitch of time with the Google maps layer

Does anyone have an updated as of 2022 map layer that works with traccar - I’ve read the map layer forum post or wiki post and I just can’t seem to get the Google Maps to work (I want to Google maps because they do dark mode with my plug-in)

Edit: fixing voice to text oddities

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It should work. Probably doesn't make sense to discuss it on such an ancient thread though.

Imzenreally3 years ago

I could open a new thread of you would like

... Are there variable I need to change in the google maps url too get it to play nice? Only open street Maps and the location Iq maps work for me (granted those are the only ones I care about out of the box)

What do you suggest

YenikaCarlex3 years ago

Imzenreally did you get a solution?
Can't get google street view to work

Imzenreally3 years ago

needed to add that to my traccar.xml files

<entry key='web.sanitize'>false</entry>
YenikaCarlex2 years ago

Imzenreally Thanks.

I have created my api key in google and I am using:,2.174448&size=456x456&key=mykey 

Also I have added <entry key='web.sanitize'>false</entry> to my traccar.xml config file but still doesn't work.

any Idea why?

I am new to traccar I might be missing something

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

YenikaCarlex where did you get that link from? It's not a tile server URL, so you can't use it as a custom map.