Can't retrieve IMEI for the device.

techurity9 years ago

Hello Genius ppl..

I am an IT specialist at Security Systems, but new at the GPS Trackers and so
I have an issue that i would pleased to be solved, HERE IT IS:
Device: oodo CT01 (China)
I would like to add this device to my Traccar server that i already installed and tested to be working with a Mobile device sending its coordinates and everything is working good.
But i cant add the GPS Tracker because i cant find the IMEI identifier for the device even in the Hardware or at the manual and i tried to get it from the Mobile network i am registered at, it seems that the IMEI is one of the top secret things in their company.

If i got the IMEI i can add the device and make it works.
Please help me with finding the IMEI for the CT01 Tracker

Thanks in advance
James King
Technical Director

darreno9 years ago

Hi James,

If you can open the device to insert the SIM card, you might be able to remove the case and see the cellular modem chip. The IMEI number is written on the cell modem module.

techurity9 years ago

Thanks Darreno, But this couldn't help..i searched all over the device from the inside and even the cover from the inside could find any serial numbers.

Is there any other ways to find the IMEI of the device?????!!!!!

Please Support.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Do you want to use your own server or one of the demo servers?

techurity9 years ago

Thanks Anton for your concern
Yes i already installed my own Traccar server, but the problem is I cant find the IMEI of CT01 Tracker.
Please Help

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

You can check tracker-server logs. If your device sends data, it would log "unknown device" records with the identifier.

techurity9 years ago

Dear, Anton Tananaev

How can any information appears on the Server logs and i didn't configure the device to send to the Server.?!

How can i configure the (oodo-CT01) tracker with the Traccar-Server without the IMEI
Please consider the device contains USB port i don't know what to do with it..


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

You don't need IMEI number to configure your device. You just need to set your server address and port on the tracker.

techurity9 years ago

Anton i cant connect my device to the Server
No SMS command is working with me i tried everything
Nothing log on the server

Please refer to me any command that can work with CT01


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Unfortunately I don't know any commands that might work. Do you have device manual with commands?

techurity9 years ago

Yes but there is not commands that work on the IP or Status or info.

Sensitivity: -157dBm
GSM: 900MHZ / 1800MHZ; 850MHZ / 1800MHZ
Content per set:main device, antenna, oil-cut controller, monitor mic, gift box, manual, warranty card
SMS command list:

Registration: ZCA000000, Registered mobile phone number, tracker's SIM card number
Locating: DW
Electric fence
Set up fence: WL + fence number + fence's radius + fence mode
Modify fence: WLMS + fence number + fence mode
Cancel fence: QWL
Locating periodically: DSDW + interval(hours)
Remote control
Set up alarm:SF
Cancel alarm: CF
Oil/Power cut-off: DD
Resume Oil/Power:TD
Device's status inquiry :CX (Tried it many times don't work)
User's account management
Set up Sub-account: ZCB + sub-account's mobile phone number
Cancel Sub-account: ZCB
Modify password: MM000000 + New password
Recover password: QMM

Please help me i have 8 devices from that model.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I think I found the command to set APN:


But unfortunately there is nothing on how to set server. Possibly there is no way.

techurity9 years ago

I tried that command too and the device didn't replay from it

So the only solution i have is to get the IMEI of the device and configure it on the Traccar Server
Am i correct??

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

No, that's correct. IMEI is just an identifier. You need to be able to configure device to send data to Traccar.

techurity9 years ago

Okay i understand what you mean...
The device contains an USB port will it be helpful ??

Sorry but i am new at GPS