Futures proposal.

dagobar3 years ago
  1. Users accounts provisioning.
    For example using CardDAV protocol to import/export usernames + email addresses or even simple *.csv files. A CardDAV implementation could synchronize automatically over time like when new users are added (onboard) or even deleted (offboard).

  2. Users accounts with RADIUS server backend authentication.
    RADIUS can be configured to check against an Active Directory.
    Also RADIUS can be used also for 2FA.
    Reusing existing accounts can make life easier when having many accounts.
    Using external auth can also take care of registration/password recovery/e.t.c.

  3. Security.
    Stop using email address as usernames by default, since e-mail addresses are easy to find out.
    An username different from it's email address it's way harder to guess.
    Even with RADIUS you can have a fake domain address since it's not DNS based.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You should use GitHub for feature requests.


dagobar3 years ago

No account on Github or other developers platform.

Anyway, never mind. :)