Error adding user traccar 5.2

When trying to add a user I get the following error:

Unknown column 'fixedemail' in 'field list' - SQLSyntaxErrorException (... < QueryBuilder:472 < DatabaseStorage:89 < UserResource:101 < ...)

Could you help me with the solution?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

That's not version 5.2. My guess is that you are using a build from master.

I Download from github the source code of the server to make the improvement you recommended from the post #73398 to group the notifications and recompile the JAR

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

What you should have done is checkout the v5.2 tag and cherry pick a single commit. Master branch has many more changes, including database schema changes.

Oluwatobi3 years ago

U had the same issue while trying to settings in a client or add a client

Unknown column 'fixedemail' in 'field list' - SQLSyntaxErrorException (... < QueryBuilder:472 < DatabaseStorage:89 < UserResource:101 < ...)

I had earlier applied the new jar file from the duplicate notification issue shared by jose on

I had to revert back to the original jar file which of course gives multiple notification before I could modify client information