Traccar5.1.0 not displayed on browser

Usama ali khan3 years ago

I have run modern code on both intellij idea and vs code but there webpack is compiling successfully but they are not giving any display on browser.

Please give me the solution for this Thank you.

Chri.s S3 years ago

Hi Usama,

as i understand 5.1 is faulty. Therefore i didn't upgrade yet and wait for upcoming 5.2

Usama ali khan3 years ago

So when will this version is coming.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

The issues in 5.1 are related to backend, not web app. Have you checked for errors?

Chri.s S3 years ago

I just know that there are Issues but not where. So, what would you say? Browser log?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Yeah, if web app is not loading you need to check browser console for errors.