From Unknown to Off-Line

Aakansha3 years ago

Do DeviceInacitve notifications work then also if the device is shown online but doesn't send any data for a period of time!

Anton Tananaev3 years ago


Aakansha3 years ago

I had set the status timeout to 7200 sec.
And the device didn't send any data at that period of time, still, I didn't get Unknown status, I suppose it should be shown as Unknown then.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Do you have a screenshot?

Aakansha3 years ago

I had removed it for now because it didn't work so removed it ..
Am I supposed to send an XML file screenshot..

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

No, a screenshot of the devices panel.

Aakansha3 years ago

oh but devices are active right now and I haven't taken screenshots of the previous one.

Chris3 years ago

Hi Anton,

Where do I've to set these parameters?

    <entry key='status.timeout'>120</entry>
    <entry key='server.timeout'>120</entry>

Inside the traccar.xml config file or is it possible to set the Parameters inside the GUI?
Is it possible to set the parameters for each device seperatly?


Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Configuration file. Not possible per device.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Timeout can be set per protocol.

Chris3 years ago

OK, Thank you

Raoul5 months ago

Hi, does anybody know which variable is used to determine whether a device is Unknown or Online.. I get E-mail notifications for my devices when they are Unknown or Online. Now I want to use this trigger vsriable for these E-mails for using it in a Computed Aytribute.