Traccar 5 - historical route line on map

nelik19873 years ago

hi, in old versions I was able to show the route lines on the map, in version 5 I can't find this option. I can see the route in tabular form in the reports, but how to display it on the map

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

There's a replay, but also we're adding map to some reports in 5.1.

nelik19873 years ago

I'm using 5.0 on Qnap, 5.1 version is not yet compiled to Qnap. So is there any optopn to show the historical route lines on the map on 5.0?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Yes, replay.

nelik19873 years ago

It's so hide :)



Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Yeah, new version also has a link in the reports for better discovery.