Geo Fencing in Traccar Manager

kinjalbshah9 years ago

Hi ,

We're planning to enhance UI for Traccar Manager code. We have recently understand that Traccer web server has Geo fencing support added. It means Geo fence can be configured via browser in laptop.

Can you please share visibility on Geo Fencing available in Mobile Application or not ?

What are plans to add more elegant UI for Android Manager mobile app ?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Traccar Manager apps don't have support for geo-fencing, but they use same API as the web app, so it should be fairly easy to add support.

Please explain what you mean by more elegant UI? Also, are we talking about Android or iOS or both?

In general the plan is to keep mobile UI simple and looking like standard Android/iOS apps.

drbios8 years ago

It would be a great feature to have the ability to add, view and edit Geo Fences from within the Traccar Manager app.

The ability to set and edit Notifications would also complement this function together with the Notifications coming through to the app/smartphone.

This would allow, for example, the setting up of vehicle security when away from base and receiving alerts on a phone if a vehicle leaves a Geo Fence area.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

There are plans to expand Traccar Manager apps functionality to match desktop web interface.

joepr8 years ago

Hello Traccar Friends

I'm trying to do the same task, draw geofence directly on Traccar Manager. I will follow Anton recommendation regarding the API. Does any one had done this yet?

Best regards

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Latest Traccar Manager is based on the web app, so it has all the same functionality, including geofences.

joepr8 years ago

That is amazing! Could we also create a geofence directly from Traccar Manager?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Yes, the functionality is the same as in the web app.

iotologist3 years ago

Where Anton? I can't find geofence on traccar manager app.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Same place as the web app.