ST-902 vehicle data

shawn8084 years ago

Hello, how I do get the ST-902 to report rpm,vin info... and other car related data?

The model I got is ST-902W sinotrack gps and having tried the 901 model and various other types , it’s my first time using the OBD type tracker.

*So my question again is how do I get vehicle related data (RPM) to show on traccar?

*since it’s a OBD, will it drain the cars battery? I have it set to report every 10 seconds.

Imzenreally3 years ago

Late to the game here - but apparently the st-902 doesn't have standby - so I had to set mine to go to sleep after 2m inactivity it then wakes up and begins tracking again when I get in and drive - given the cheap nature of this I'm wondering if it is truly outputting vehicle data - I was going to dig through the logs and see what data is actually being sent to traccar

Did you ever find a resolution?