Minifinder : Missing Event Type !R

MaHoMey3 years ago


I am using devices which works on the mini finder protocol on port 5062.

Everything is working well but I found that in some situations the device sends messages starting with !R which is not integrated in your receiver.

Here an example:


Is there any way to get this message visible in portal without an update of the traccar server?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Do you have protocol documentation?

MaHoMey3 years ago

Yes I have:

But the protocol still existing. It is just the one identifier which is not integrated, the one starting with !R at the beginning. The rest is like the other ones starting with !D / !5 / …

I also found that there is another one missing: !S

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I must be blind because I don't see those message types in your documentation. Can you please point to the page number where you found them.

MaHoMey3 years ago

Oh, sorry! I asked producer and it is not yet documented as it is a special custom firmware command.