You need Java 11.
Love your short and prompt responses! The part about needing Java 11 was somewhat obvious based on the missing package name. I am hoping though that someone has pointers/instructions on an alternative path to get Traccar/jre-11 going on a docker container running on a raspberry pi 4.
A related question (if you know this off the top of your head) - which was the last version of Traccar that ran on java 8? I could go through all of the changelogs but if there a quick answer to this it will save me the time.
Thanks for a great product!
which was the last version of Traccar that ran on java 8?
The easiest option is to check grade file history.
After a bit of googling and experimenting ended up with this working version of Dockerfile to get you up and running on a raspberry pi docker container.
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11 as jre-build
RUN $JAVA_HOME/bin/jlink \
--add-modules java.base,java.logging,java.sql,java.naming,java.desktop, \
--strip-debug \
--no-man-pages \
--no-header-files \
--compress=2 \
--output /javaruntime
FROM debian:buster-slim
ENV JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/openjdk
COPY --from=jre-build /javaruntime $JAVA_HOME
WORKDIR /opt/traccar
RUN apt-get -yq update && \
apt-get -yq --no-install-recommends install wget unzip && \
wget -qO /tmp/$TRACCAR_VERSION/traccar-other-$ && \
unzip -qo /tmp/ -d /opt/traccar && \
rm /tmp/
CMD ["java", "-Xms512m", "-Xmx512m", "", "-jar", "tracker-server.jar", "conf/traccar.xml"]
I am using this Dockerfile:
Building docker image fails since openjdk11-jre-headless package is not available for alpine linux on rapberry pi.
Can someone point me to other options to get this going. I tried with jdk8 but I ran into errors about a Class being at higher version than supported.