Get Reports

Tommy3 years ago

Hello all , first i tried to use API documentation to retrieve reports in google sheets
and it works fine if tested on demo servers

but with localhost doesn't work at all i tested it with post man works fine and give me the data in json format

error : Exception: DNS error

headers passed successfully with basic authentication

so what's the wrong here any guide please

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Why is localhost from capital letter?

Tommy3 years ago

Thanks Anton For replying , copy paste form network xhr

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Can you please provide a screenshot where we have it in the API documentation.

Tommy3 years ago

sorry i edited my answer


and i replaced localhost:8082
so if i'm doing something wrong , guide me please

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

DNS error usually indicates some problem with the host name. That's why I'm asking.

Tommy3 years ago

look i tried with ngrok to publish the server and get forwarding URL
and it works , data retrieved , so i will figure out away to this , but thanks for your concern , appreciated anton

i have another simple question if allowed to me :
how many pins can allocated in custom KML in poi , does the file have limited size 119kb

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Don't think there are any limits.

Tommy3 years ago

It means there's away to accomplish something like this , ok i will seek to accomplish my target ♥

many thanks anton ♥