Bing Maps (how to get it in Traccar 5?)

Marcin3 years ago

I cant see BingMaps anymore
And i searched forum but did not find where and what to enter there. In the main page ( there are no further infos.
May somebody give me hint?
To Modern UI:
Like it more every day. Think when functions are equal to the old, all people will love it :)
Mostly missed: Sorting devices (Yes i know> Make entry on Github :D ). Here also 100% by last online time. Am i able changig the sort order in code?
Or in config?
And: Am i able to fix the shown parameters in map? I assume, when cookies are deleted i have to reselect the shown options of the card.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

We're considering sorting and filtering for the next release.

Am i able to fix the shown parameters in map? I assume, when cookies are deleted i have to reselect the shown options of the card.

It uses local storage, not cookies.

Marcin3 years ago

OK, thank you. Will there later be settings in the traccar.xml to fix the view?
And do you have a hint for Bing Maps (key is available)

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

What do you mean by fixing the view?

Marcin3 years ago

Hi Anton,
i mean the preferences under
Settings>Preferences> Map > Attributes (4)
Additionaly the marker cluster "Off" should be madeable in the server settings.
These, and the sorting of devices, are the (for us) the most important things when viewing the map.
And so 90% use the old view (even they like the modern design much more) because of function versus design.

Marcin3 years ago

Ah, and i forgot the mean thing:
How do i get the BingMaps back in Modern View?
In old they are working

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

And so 90% use the old view

Where is this number from?

Marcin3 years ago

Only, from our users. When i watch there screens, i am the only one with modern UI.
But i have same problem with new working tools.
Most of the workers prefer there "always used" tools.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You might be able to use bing maps as custom tile server.

Marcin3 years ago

Thats what i tried. But i did not find a working line to key in this field.
All tries leave the card blank.
Is this a license problem that it works in old and not in modern?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It's a problem with map library compatibility.