We have a documentation page specifically for that.
Hi Anton, thank you for the response. May you assist me with a link that I can access the documentation. Thanks.
Hi Anthon, thanks for sharing. But the documentation indicates that this is for MySQL Database while I am on H2 Database. Does the documentation option work for H2 Database as well?
Hi Anton, I have successfully been able to export devices from H2 DB to a remote configured MYSQL DB. My traccar client can communicate with the remote MYSQL server successfully. However the data that I imported from the phpmyadmin does not show up on Traccar client UI. What could possible be the problem?
What is "Traccar client UI"?
By "Traccar Client UI".. I mean the front-end on the web that you see after logging in.
Web app does not communicate directly with a database. Why not just say "Traccar"? Why do you have to specify "Traccar client"? It makes it sound like the API is returning the data, but the client doesn't show it. Is that the case?
Hello, I am using traccar version 5.0 with the default H2 Database configurations. I would like to know how I may delete old records for Positions and Events that are older than three days. Thank you in advance.