How to access to H2 database?

Cesare9 years ago

Hi all! I've asked a question via Facebook about how could be possible to upload areas coming from any "geo" file formats like geojson or shapefiles. Your reply is ".... Geofencing areas are stored in WKT format in database, so it should be possible to directly import them into the database.....".

Now I'd like to test this opportunity and so I've installed Traccar server on my Windows 7 machine and all seem working fine.

How may I access to H2 database to test your suggestion?

Thank you very much in advance!!!


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I would recommend to install a fully-featured database like MySQL. H2 is an embedded database and is a default option to simplify installation process, but it's not recommended for production use.

Cesare9 years ago

Thanks! I'd like to do only some little tests and I'm not in a production environment. Anyway I'll try to install and configure MySQL ... Cesare

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

If you need to access database manually, it would still be easier to install MySQL.