Tramigo T23

asancheznc10 years ago

Hello, can you help me set up a Tramigo T23 need to traccar that could give me a mini guide as set. I thank you in advance

Best Regards

Anton Tananaev10 years ago

You need to configure your device to send data to your server's public IP address and port 5073. Usually you have to send some specially formatted SMS to the SIM card that's installed in the device. I guess you should to check device manual for more details.

asancheznc10 years ago

Anton reviewing documentation tells me I have to do steps 1 send SMS "OWNER" this should me reponder and then place "OWNET, YES", however I did not get an answer, I will be doing wrong? Thanks for reponder

Best Regards

Anton Tananaev10 years ago

Are you sure the device is connected to GSM network? Try to call the SIM card number.

asancheznc10 years ago

Anton, if the call comes, do not hear


Anton Tananaev10 years ago

I don't quite get it. Is it online or not?

asancheznc10 years ago

Anton, you'll ask me reason to review the system, if I have progress or news he informed very kind attention.


Hi Anton

I've been testing Tramigo T23 tracking device on traccar server but there are some issues with the integration.

Firstly my device imei is 355457051296302 but it was not still communicating and this usually works with Tramigo enterprise server, after going through Traccar server logs i discovered that traccar was identifying it as 783814147 and it currently reporting, but what i can't understand is how this ID-783814147 came about.

Lastly the altitude, power status, direction and other parameters were not displaying.

bilal-ltt8 years ago

I have been working with Tramigo T23, and it seems its behavior is little strange. It send a unique ID instead of IMEI to transmission server. Try to configure your device this tool (, it will show you your unique ID for Tramigo.

gutitoni7 years ago

I manage to connect the traamigo 23 but it does not send me the parameters of altitude length and other parameters.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Please provide HEX message samples from your device.

hackerunet7 years ago

Hello, I'm using this thread because seems to be right for tramigo issues, so I currently have a problem with a tramigo t23 device, this is the HEX data sent from the device

2018-09-12 02:44:03  WARN: [c41b7e35] error - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: readerIndex(0) + length(39936) exceeds writerIndex(156): PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 156, cap: 1024) - DecoderException (... < WrapperInboundHandler:53 < ... < BasePipelineFactory:127 < ... < *:104 < ...)

So, this doesn't seems to fit the protocol but I see in the manual and everything that is a tramigo device, so, any idea why is this happening?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Do you have protocol documentation for your device?

hackerunet7 years ago

no, just the user manual, but I compared tests file of tramigo protocol and my HEX data and seems to be right, maybe I'm not sure if this is affecting but I'm not using the query

INFO: Query not provided: database.updateDeviceExtended

I don't know what information this query stores or what the variables are to build the query.

hackerunet6 years ago

I got the protocol specification!! directly from Tramigo, if is not the protocol but configuration, I could post the configuration procedure so we can help in the future. Where can I send it to?