it may be useful for you
Funny enough I managed to get the C13 GPS Relay device connected to traccar server. It's status and everything is reporting but not its GPS location.
It uses and responds to all the commands from a GT06 TK100
I have tried the following command to get it to send the GPS location data but it's not working.
Auto continuous track
Send SMS #at#timeinterval#sum#0# to the device. For Example, send SMS: "#at#30#sum#0#" to device, 30 means 30 seconds
Any further help will be appreciated
Did you check the log file?
These are the logs i get, i still do not get any location updates what so ever.
HEX: 78780d010867541100121784001532b30d0a
HEX: 78780d01010d0a
I am using port 5023 for gt06
2022-04-04 08:25:00 INFO: [3e73c08b: gt06 <] HEX: 78780a1302060400020023200f0d0a
2022-04-04 08:25:00 INFO: [3e73c08b: gt06 >] HEX: 787805130023ebe10d0a
2022-04-04 08:25:00 INFO: [3e73c08b] id: 867541100121784, time: 2022-04-04 08:04:22, lat: -0.00000, lon: -0.00000, course: 0.0
Is your device stationary?
Hi Anton, i have moved the device around. I have connected the device to my vehicle and drove around for like 10 minutes.
I enabled Google LBS Geolocation which now reports the LBS location but i cannot get a GPS fix whatsoever :| its so frustrating.
<entry key='geolocation.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='geolocation.type'>google</entry>
<entry key='geolocation.key'>YOUR API KEY</entry>
Sounds like a device issue then.
I have 10 of them, tried all of them.
I cannot get GPS to work at all.
Thank you for your input, i will keep trying different commands and see what i can do about it.
I have a very similar device, and like you it will not report a GPS fix!
I have another C13 that works fine (with a totally different command set and protocol), so I get the impression that this one is a cheap Chinese clone of a cheap Chinese clone ! The one I have doesn't have a battery, so maybe it doesn't have GPS either !
Have you had any further success with yours?
Hello, did you manage to get a signal GPS, if so, how to do it
No I only ever got one of them working ☹️
Very strange LBS works, GPS does not work? But the device has a gps antenna (jp25v7) with a module (L206 gprs / gsm), I think that the Chinese brother did not just put the Antenna on and how it should work! The question is how to do it???
Here is a set of commands for which there is an answer
#apn#123456#apn#user#pass# apn ok! configure APN for GPRS
#apn#123456#internet### apn ok! configure APN without user and pass
#IP#123456# set ip address and port ok! configure tracking server and port
#stockade#123456#3# stockade ok! set geo-fence radius to 300 meters
#nostockade#123456# no stockade ok
#speed#123456#090# speed ok! set speed alarm to 80km/h
#nospeed#123456# cancel speed ok! cancel speed alarm
#acc#123456#1# set alarm when vehicle ignition is turned on
#acc#123456# # acc off
#stopoil#123456# cut oil
#supplyoil#123456# restore oil
#stopelec#123456# n.r.
#supplyelec#123456# n.r.
#at#30#sum#0# auto track set ok! start tracking (keep TCP connection to tracking server and report every 30 sec)
#at#30#sum#10# start tracking (like above) but stop tracking after sending 10 locations
#noat#123456# cancel auto track ok! stop tracking
#smslink#123456# /see below/ request single location response
#monitor#123456# monitor ok! switch to monitor mode. CAll will be answered by tracker and you can hear sound from microphone
#tracker#123456# tracker ok! restore default tracker mode
#vibrate#123456#3# vibrate on cal
#vibrate#123456#2# vibrate on sms
#at#123456#20# upload interval 10-600 sec
#KC#123456#1# alarm sms
#KC#123456#2# alarm call
#super# reset
#smslink#123456# status
#check#123456# imei
#reboot# rebooting
Hi everyone, i purchased 10 x CJ730s relay's but when they arrived it was not CJ730's but instead some very odd version of the C13.
Below is the link to the devices i received:
I have been struggling for weeks to find the sms commands for this device.
The manual only gives one command and that command is to change the APN - #apn#123456#APN
Link to the manual provided in the box -
I sent the device the following sms "please note apnname, apnuser & apnpass are just used for my explanation"
After sending that sms i get a response saying "apn ok!" the device works on the 356gps app but i want it to work on traccar server.
No one in the world is able to provide me with all the other sms commands as they say it only has the APN one: #apn#123456#APN
After trying a bunch of random sms's and styles i sent #check#123456# and to my surprise i got a status reply via sms:
Does anyone know the style of these sms commands and if so could someone share any knowledge on how to change the server ip and port to traccar's.