You can hide any position attribute from the state panel. There's a user attribute for it.
Thank you !
And thank you for the great software traccar !
It does not work
On the web interface I go to Settings / Server / Attributes
Here I add an attribute "Oberfläche: Positionsattribute ausblenden" in english "Web Interface hide position attribute". And then I enter the name of the attribut. But it is still shown in the web interface.
When I open the Settings / Server / Attributes again the name of my attribute changes to "Protocol".
First of all, protocol is not a position attribute. Secondly, it's case sensitive.
I added a user attribute "Cellinfo". I don't want to see this in the web interface.
The Word "Protocol" I did not enter.
Please provide:
I changed the name of the attribute to "Wan-ID".
Database :
tc_positions attributes : {"Accuracy GPS ":"20 m"," 1. Staffel":"Finderwille Task Force Frankfurt/Main"," 2. Name":"Bernd Quambusch"," 3. Trainings-Status":"Anfahrt zum Treffpunkt"," 4. Teamnummer":1.0," 5. Team":"HF Bernd HE Natascha HU Pepper"," 6. Funkrufname":"Team Pepper"," 7. Mobilnummer":"0163-6661481","Wan-ID":"tdg301d93e0105ddf0026200165","distance":0.14,"totalDistance":2.877499686E7,"motion":false}
tc_servers attributes : {"speedUnit":"kmh","ui.hidePositionAttributes":"Protocol","ui.disableReport":true}
Why do you have 3 attributes with the same name?
I tested lower and upper case . With one attribute it is not working either.
In the database I can see that the attribut with "Wan-ID" ist not stored.
Are you sure you saved it? Have you checked network request?
Yes, I saved it.
Traccar changes it to 'Protocol'.
I can changed the value 'Protocol' to 'Wan-ID' and save it, now its working.
But I can't enter new values.
What do you mean by entering new values? You can only have one attribute with that key.
Good to know.
Thank You !
it is possible to send a hidden attribute ?
I use osmand protocol.
I want to send some data that should be stored on the server but that are not visible in the web interface.