POI on map

jabbadabbadahat3 years ago

Hello is there any possibility to make map through any Online way and then use it in traccar?
I tried to use google maps exporting kml and downloading file through wget to /web folder but sadly there is no results on map.
I guess the problem is formatting so I wonder is there any other option to make something online through tool then export it directly to the server web folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
    <Style id="icon-1899-0288D1-nodesc-normal">
        <hotSpot x="32" xunits="pixels" y="64" yunits="insetPixels"/>
    <Style id="icon-1899-0288D1-nodesc-highlight">
        <hotSpot x="32" xunits="pixels" y="64" yunits="insetPixels"/>
    <StyleMap id="icon-1899-0288D1-nodesc">
Anton Tananaev3 years ago

We had an example file somewhere with KML that works. You can compare it with what Google gives you to see what the difference is.

jabbadabbadahat3 years ago

I googled it and had a test and it worked. well then I guess I would get to write some compiler and its out of my reach for now. So do You know any software that will generate my the code that will be shown at server?