I have just got this device ? Is it possible to test if this works ? ie, is there a way to check what server/port etc is configured on it from factory ?
The instructions here are very limited, has anyone writtern a blog or Howto to get jumpstarted on the device ?
I am on a macos so I cannot use the freematics arduino builder.
I believe it should be configured with a demo server, so I think you should be able to test it straight away.
I saw that it works, however ...
- It was not tracking unless I use the GPS antenna, looks like there is no PCB antenna on the unit, which would take over if external one is not present.
- Also it does not seem to have a back-up battery which would keep the device ON when the ignition is off.
Has anyone done any mods to make it work ?
for (2) I guess this (https://www.amazon.com/TalentCell-Rechargeable-3000mAh-Lithium-External/dp/B01M7Z9Z1N) can do the trick...
The 12V can be hooked up to the car battery.. not sure of (1)
Never mind, I figured out the thing I was calling antenna is actually the GPS receiver, it wont work without it...
Still looking to see if I can put a battery-backup.. on the device...
I have just got this device ? Is it possible to test if this works ? ie, is there a way to check what server/port etc is configured on it from factory ?
The instructions here are very limited, has anyone writtern a blog or Howto to get jumpstarted on the device ?
I am on a macos so I cannot use the freematics arduino builder.