We don't use it directly, so it must be a transitive dependency. You can try to get gradle dependency graph and see which our dependency uses it.
ok, I'll try
the file is inside the lib directory of the traccar install-directory
I understand that, but it doesn't mean it's a direct dependency. It is a transitive dependency, as I said.
to build a gradle or maven dependency graph I'll need the whole project....
I think it's easier you will check the dependency tree. I'm to weak in reverse engineering to get the dependencies out of your jar files
Looks like it's coming from velocity tools dependency.
+--- org.apache.velocity:velocity-tools:2.0
| +--- commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.7.0 -> 1.9.2 (*)
| +--- commons-digester:commons-digester:1.8
| | +--- commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.7.0 -> 1.9.2 (*)
| | \--- commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1 -> 1.2
| +--- commons-chain:commons-chain:1.1
| | +--- commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.7.0 -> 1.9.2 (*)
| | +--- commons-digester:commons-digester:1.6 -> 1.8 (*)
| | \--- commons-logging:commons-logging:1.0.3 -> 1.2
| +--- commons-collections:commons-collections:3.2 -> 3.2.1
| +--- commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1 -> 1.2
| +--- commons-validator:commons-validator:1.3.1
| | +--- commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.7.0 -> 1.9.2 (*)
| | +--- commons-digester:commons-digester:1.6 -> 1.8 (*)
| | \--- commons-logging:commons-logging:1.0.4 -> 1.2
| +--- dom4j:dom4j:1.1
| +--- oro:oro:2.0.8
| +--- sslext:sslext:1.2-0
| +--- org.apache.struts:struts-core:1.3.8
| | +--- antlr:antlr:2.7.2
| | +--- commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.7.0 -> 1.9.2 (*)
| | +--- commons-chain:commons-chain:1.1 (*)
| | +--- commons-digester:commons-digester:1.8 (*)
| | +--- commons-logging:commons-logging:1.0.4 -> 1.2
| | +--- commons-validator:commons-validator:1.3.1 (*)
| | \--- oro:oro:2.0.8
| +--- org.apache.struts:struts-taglib:1.3.8
| | \--- org.apache.struts:struts-core:1.3.8 (*)
| +--- org.apache.struts:struts-tiles:1.3.8
| | \--- org.apache.struts:struts-core:1.3.8 (*)
| \--- org.apache.velocity:velocity:1.6.2 -> 1.7 (*)
I found it on https://velocity.apache.org/tools/2.0/dependencies.html#GenericTools
it seems the actual version is 3.1 https://velocity.apache.org/tools/3.1/
I'm using OpenVAS for internal security scans.
I got a 10.0 score (high risk)
The "Apache Struts" version on the remote host has reached the end of life.
Kind regards