Devices - Pepwave Max BR1 Mini

steve8 years ago

Does anyone know if Traccar is compatible with Pepwave Max BR1 Mini cellular router? Any experience with the Pepwave at all?


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

What protocol does it use?

steve8 years ago

Looks like the options are to be able to send the results to the traccar server's ipaddress and port

and use any of the following protocols:

Using UDP

Report interval: default (s) is 1


Thanks very much for your help.

steve8 years ago

Also you can send and optional Vehicle ID which is only 5 characters

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Traccar supports both NMEA (port 5005) and TAIP (port 5031) protocols.

ratpad8 years ago

I am just getting started on this but it looks like the pepwave uses port 60660.

MAX routers export real-time location data in NMEA format through its LAN IP address at TCP port 60660

Should I setup my router to forward to port 5005 for NMEA?

Steve, were you able to get it working? If so any special instructions?

To be honest I am not as of yet up and running but will be soon.

Thank you


Metin5 years ago

I think this issue has no solution. There is no one to configure Traccar & PepWave Max BR1

I found gps server, which has also problems on showing position (interestingly shows only speed).

It would be great, if somebody share a knowledge about this configuretion

Rob Wolff3 years ago

The following settings worked for my Pepwave MAX BR1 MK2:

Server IP Address / Host Name: Your IP
Port: 5031
Protocol: UDP
Report Interval (s): 1
GPS Report Format: TAIP
TAIP Sentence Type: PV - Position / Velocity Solution
TAIP ID (optional): Your traccar identifier