Traccar Client sends POST requests with parameters in the payload.
thank you for the answer.
What do you mean by "parameters in the payload"? - Is it that location parameters are not in URL parameters as described in ?
Does it mean it is not possible to configure Traccar Client to send data in a form of{0}&lon={1}
with regards, Miro
No, it's not possible.
Thank you for the answer
with regards, Miro
Nor is it impossible, maybe you could make yourself a small http proxy that translates the POST request to the request you want.
As a suggestion you can ask for Proxy in Nginx or Apache, you can also consider Nodejs + Express and as a last resort and not recommended to use PHP.
That is a good idea too, a small translator service.
Though, in meantime the issue was resolved on a target server to accept POST.
I found your program and I see that you support OSMAnd - type protocol ( ) . Is it also possible to configure it in a way to send coords to URL in this format?
I tried few ways how to configure it this way but I am getting "sending failed". I tried:
(but that I'd prefer the first, this way I can define which parameters to send to server as it does support only some features. This way it works with OSMAnd.)
all the best, Miro