Node-Red and Traccar WebSocket

kzo813 years ago

Hi Folks,

I'd like to read realtime data from traccar with Node-Red.
This is a test environment I've done so far, but for some reason the socket cannot connect neither to online traccar nor my local traccar.
This is the Node-Red layout:

Here is the Json:

Is it possible to read from the traccar socket? Thanks

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Not an expert with node red, but how do you authenticate the user?

kzo813 years ago

It doesn't connect even if I include username and password into the socket string.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

That's not how you authenticate connection. Please read documentation on our API.

Lennart de Vries2 years ago

Did you manage to get the websocket to work in node-red kz081?
I'd love to know