What database are you using? Just use standard backup/restore functionality for your database engine.
Iam using windows server and i want to backup list of my users and devices and history of 1 month
Backup for Windows Server with MariaDB :
"C:\Program Files\MariaDB 10.4\bin\mysqldump.exe" -P3306 -hlocalhost -uroot -pxxx traccar --allow-keywords --add-drop-table --complete-insert --quote-names > D:\Backup\Traccar_Backup.sql
xxx = Passwort
Or use HeidiSQL oder Phpmyadmin.
Greetings Bernd
If you are using default H2 database, you can just backup files in data folder directly. Note that we don't recommend H2 database usage in production.
The file database is big is mor than 2 GB
I want to limite the history to 1 month to keep the file database small
Can i do this ??
You can, but that's more complicated. You'd have to connect to the database and query a portion of the data.
Can you tell me haw do this or there is not a video explique this opération please
There's no step by step guide, if that's what you are looking for. Again, we don't recommend using H2 database for production, so it doesn't make any sense for us to prepare any documentation for it.
Start HeidiSQL und start the command :
Greetings Bernd
I have H2 database can i connect to database frome HeidiSQL ?
How can i download the data backup of my server if i want to install new server