Help me!!!!! G-400: Supports GPS/GPRS/NFC

nachoweb8 years ago

I have problems running this G-400 padlock: It supports GPS / GPRS / NFC, the user can open / close lock with a key card, NFC device (eg smartphone), SMS or platform control. How can I know its location by traccar.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Do you have protocol documentation for it?

nachoweb8 years ago
Anton Tananaev8 years ago

That is not protocol documentation. It's just a manual.

nachoweb8 years ago

Friend is all I have so I'm here asking for help. where can I get it?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You can get it from device vendor.

nachoweb8 years ago

Gps was brought from china without box with a manual in pdf is all I have so I need help

nachoweb8 years ago

Anton that another froam I have to know the documentation of the protocol if the seller did not give it to me?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You can try to search online somewhere, but if manufacturer doesn't share it, then it's unlikely that you would find anything.

visiondrive8 years ago

Why don't you try sending the data to a TRACCAR server and select a generic port and monitor the logs on the server?

Then you can try and match the protocol via the steps on the website.

SMS Edit:

1.IP Setting

For example: HL66556688:IP,,3808, 13798242980,0020
IP : Command identifier : Server IP address
3808 : Server Port
13798242980 : Device ID(11 Arabic numbers)
0020: Time interval for upload data to platform
SMS Response: Setting Successes: HL:IP,,3808,13798242980,0020,OK Setting Failed: HL,IP,error
Wrong Password: HL,IP,key,error
No answer if basic format wrong


3.APN (Access Point Name) Setting:

For example: HL66556688:APN,cmnet or HL66556688:APN,cmnet,guse,guse
APN : Command identifier
Cmnet : Name of APN
Gues : User name of APN(Null is accepted) Gues : User Password of APN(Null is accepted) SMS Response:
Setting successes: HL:APN, cmnet,guse,guse,OK Setting Failed: HL, APN,error
Wrong Password: HL, APN,key,error
No answer if basic format wrong

nachoweb8 years ago

I did probe with all these posts 5001, 5002, 5006, 5013, 5023, 5036, 5093 generic and I did not work, that's why I ask you for help

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Did you get any HEX messages in the logs?

visiondrive8 years ago

What port did you define for use with the device via the command below:

You then need to open the port on your firewall and review the traccar log file.

SMS Edit:

1.IP Setting

For example: HL66556688:IP,,3808, 13798242980,0020
IP : Command identifier : Server IP address
3808 : Server Port
13798242980 : Device ID(11 Arabic numbers)
0020: Time interval for upload data to platform
SMS Response: Setting Successes: HL:IP,,3808,13798242980,0020,OK Setting Failed: HL,IP,error
Wrong Password: HL,IP,key,error
No answer if basic format wrong

Dear Sir,
Myself SK Singh from Tectronix, New Delhi India. I am using HHD G400 padlock. We need to set/configure RFID through sms. Please provide RFID configuration sms command. Please help.


Where is RFID COMMAND in given documents. Please help to integration with G400 protocol on my server. We also have protocol docx for G400 and devices got online but RFID functions is not working. Please help.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

If you want to provide documentation, please upload the file somewhere. Don't copy paste text from it here.