I find this project as fine but I am missing...
- geozones
- Events trigger (run external script - bash etc.) when arrive/leave geozone, start/stop vehicle, lost gps...
- run external script for every recieved position from vehicle with variables (vehicle,speed, position....). Then I don't have to wait for developing features :-)
- diferent color flags in the map - when vehicle is stoped (speed <1)/ slow/ speed (90km/h more)...
It could be good if the features plan (with planned date) will be shown on the project web page.
Will you plan those?
Thank you for this project!
- Geozones are almost finished. The feature is in code review phase.
- Events are already implemented. Not all of the types you are looking for are supported.
- There is no plan at the moment to add external script. Why don't you want to modify Traccar code directly. It would be easier and faster.
- Marker colors are used for device connection status.
There are no planned dates for any features.
Hi Tatanaev,
1)The good message! When do you estimate finish date?
2) please,where is it described? I found no informations.
3) I am not profi programmer. - I don't know java. Only PHP, C++ + scripting bash etc. Run a external script can solve a minority features.
4) The colors are more than two :-). It can be more lucid when a vehicle history is shown.
Thank you.
It is your project and I am looking forward to a new release. Be in 3) mind, please. I mean it is a practic feature for everyone who is able to write a easy code or a script. For example send a sms when a speed is over for some device (no all), save some conditions data to a external db or log etc... noone doesn't need these features - it is not needed to include to traccar base code. I wish this feature and I think, I am not alone :-).
Hello, Rozik.
In my opinion why running bash/cmd scripts are bad:
- Traccar is cross-platform application and there can be some pitfalls in passing parameters and other things on different platforms.
- It is really insecure, traccar is running from root or SYSTEM and it is hard to secure passed parameters and avoid security leaks.
As you said you know PHP, you can enable web forwarding positions and events (implemented but not released yet) and do all necessary things with PHP.
Hi, Anton, Im looking for 2 options:
- selected route replay at map
- New Geoceding save at mysql, old data form sql not outsourced or Just "queue questions to max 10-15/sek max" / ignore same positions ?
I'm not sure why you are commenting on 2 year-old thread. For feature requests please use GitHub.
I find this project as fine but I am missing...
It could be good if the features plan (with planned date) will be shown on the project web page.
Will you plan those?
Thank you for this project!