what's connect protocol of Fm1110 to trackcar server?

htn57239 years ago

h r u today friends
i wanna to connect device to traccar server
what's the FM1110 connection protocol???
help please??

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

FM1110 is Teltonika device, right? If yes, port is 5027.

htn57239 years ago

Yes is teltonika. Thanks for your answer dear

htn57239 years ago

hi thnks.
I want to khnow about teltonika crc.
can u help me???

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

What is that and what do you want to know about it?

htn57239 years ago

I want function for calculate crc16 and other function for calculate timestamp unix in mili second.
I try its but error goes.
Thnks for answers

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

For CRC calculation you can take a look here:


As for timestamp, I don't quite understand what you want to calculate there. It's just a number as it is.

htn57239 years ago

Ok very nice