That's TK103 protocol, port 5002, device id 087079495291.
Thank you so much for your reply.
i just bought a new tk102 device.
i am receving hexa on my terminal as (087076900590BP00352887076900590HSOP24)
kindly tell what protocol it is using and which port to activate in traccar.
I can not find the right protocol. Can anyone help me please?
2020-05-18 22:59:57 INFO: [0e00382c] connected
2020-05-18 22:59:57 INFO: [0e00382c: tk102 <] HEX: 2a3335333535323034353338373534392c3030230d0a
2020-05-18 22:59:57 INFO: [0e00382c: tk102 <] HEX: 23232c696d65693a3335333535323034353338373534392c413b0d0a
2020-05-18 23:00:18 INFO: [0e00382c: tk102 <] HEX: 2a3335333535323034353338373534392c3030230d0a
2020-05-18 23:00:18 INFO: [0e00382c: tk102 <] HEX: 23232c696d65693a3335333535323034353338373534392c413b0d0a
I use port 5002 & get this:
2020-05-18 23:20:06 INFO: [63f05d13] connected
2020-05-18 23:20:06 INFO: [63f05d13: tk103 <] HEX: 2a3335333535323034353338373534392c3030230d0a
2020-05-18 23:20:06 INFO: [63f05d13: tk103 <] HEX: 23232c696d65693a3335333535323034353338373534392c413b0d0a
2020-05-18 23:20:26 INFO: [63f05d13: tk103 <] HEX: 2a3335333535323034353338373534392c3030230d0a
2020-05-18 23:20:26 INFO: [63f05d13: tk103 <] HEX: 23232c696d65693a3335333535323034353338373534392c413b0d0a
What device id should i use?
Sorry, I meant it's GPS103, not TK103.
Ok. When i use port 5001 i get this result:
2020-05-19 00:25:34 INFO: [805074fc] connected
2020-05-19 00:25:34 INFO: [805074fc: gps103 <] HEX: 2a3335333535323034353338373534392c3030230d0a
2020-05-19 00:25:34 WARN: [805074fc] error - begin 21, end 23, length 1 - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException (... < Gps103ProtocolDecoder:411 < ExtendedObjectDecoder:51 < ... < WrapperContext:102 < ...)
2020-05-19 00:25:34 INFO: [805074fc: gps103 >] HEX: 4f4e
2020-05-19 00:25:34 INFO: [805074fc] disconnected
hi anton
i have chines clone tk-102 i added it with both 12 digit and 15digit number i amfacing difficulty in finding the right port also what is the unique id of the device i recived this in log
2021-01-06 20:36:26 INFO: DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0
2021-01-06 20:36:26 INFO: No SessionScavenger set, using defaults
2021-01-06 20:36:26 INFO: node0 Scavenging every 600000ms
2021-01-06 20:36:36 INFO: Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@42e61b66{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2021-01-06 20:36:36 INFO: Started ServerConnector@2cd1a96e{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{}
2021-01-06 20:36:36 INFO: Started @40213ms
2021-01-06 20:36:45 INFO: user: 1, action: remove, object: device, id: 1
2021-01-06 20:36:49 INFO: user: 1, action: remove, object: device, id: 2
2021-01-06 20:43:45 INFO: user: 1, action: create, object: device, id: 34
2021-01-06 20:43:45 INFO: user: 1, action: link, owner: user, id: 1, property: device, id: 34
2021-01-06 20:44:17 INFO: user: 1, action: create, object: device, id: 35
2021-01-06 20:44:17 INFO: user: 1, action: link, owner: user, id: 1, property: device, id: 35
There is nothing from your device in the log. Please follow troubleshooting guide.
i have followed it already badly stuck having mind cringe
I bought a "Bentech" TK102B, which I'm trying to use with a locally running traccar server. Port forwarding enabled, the tracker can reach my computer, but I can't figure out its protocol. I tried all the ports recommended for the chinese modules, none of them worked.
The tracker can be connected to a pc, and a user_config.ini file can be edited to set the config.
It looks like this:
OldPassword:******; (Only support 6 digits)
NewPassword:******; (Only support 6 digits)
admin:******;******;******;******;******; (Support set 5 admin numbers)
timezone:1.00; (from -12 to 12.75)
apn:0;internet.telekom;;; (0 off,1 on;APN;user;password;)
adminip:; (IP:port)
gprs:1,0; (First:0 sms,1 gprs; Second:0 no lessgprs,1 lessgprs)
tcpudp:1,0; (First:0 answer,1 no answer; Second:0 TCP,1 UDP)
sleep:2,0; (First:0 sleep time,1 sleep shock,2 sleep off,3 deepshock,4 schedule,5 sleep schedule; Second:interval unit seconds)
suppress:0; (0 off,1 on)
angle:15; (Only support 3 digits)
fix:,0s,0s,0n,; (First:0 off,1 on; Second:interval; Third:interval_ex; Fourth:times; Fifth:number)
dns:0;;8090; (First:0 off,1 on;Second:dns;Third:port)
shock:0; (0 off,1 on)
sensitivity:1; (1:mild vibration,2:moderate vibration,3:severe vibration)
I changed the adminip line and the admin lines corresponding to my server and phone number
HEX from the log:
2021-09-05 22:21:21 INFO: [a0102ac5: gt06 < X.X.X.X] HEX: a503003b00018936304420120731286f424e313032383634383934303330373239313136000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000424e31303222
2021-09-05 22:35:52 INFO: [2443d2e1: tk102 < X.X.X.X] HEX: a503003b00008936304420120731286f424e313032383634383934303330373239313136000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000424e31303223
2021-09-05 22:50:31 INFO: [f8e79df5: watch < X.X.X.X] HEX: a503003b00038936304420120731286f424e313032383634383934303330373239313136000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000424e31303220
I tried decoding on the Hex Decoder page, it said "Binary Hex can't be converted to Text", so I opened it in a Hex editor.
It seems that it starts with predefined (fixed) bytes, then in the "3b000089" part, the four 0000-s work like a counter, counting up with every try to connect to the server, if I configure the tracker with a "no answer" config.
In the middle, there is a text part: "(oBN102864894030729116", from which 864894030729116 is the IMEI of the device.
After that comes 18 bytes of zeroes (I think the GPS data should be there after some kind of login), then: "BN102"
The second half of the last byte looks like a parity byte, it changes together with the counter.
Could you recommend a protocol to use with this device?
You should probably start a new thread instead of asking on a 2 year old thread. Also, do you have protocol documentation? It doesn't look like any common protocol I know.
I asked the reseller for the gprs procotol, but they refused to answer.
It looks like the tracker just needed a factory reset: I sent the "begin123456" SMS, it initialised itself.
Then I set the IP address through SMS: "adminip123456 <My_IP> 5001".
The tracker logged on to my traccar server and began to send gps103 protocol messages.
I can see its location on the map, everything works :)
I am a new user of traccar
I can not find the right port I have a tracer GPS Tracker TK102
this are my logs: