Thank you for your quick reply.
Either you didn't save it correctly or there was some issue with saving. Check browser console.
Let's start with clearing your assumption that there's some delay. Traccar pushes the data immediately. There are no delays, unless something is not working correctly, like WebSocket connection is failing because of your network restrictions for example. As for the event, it's a change of driver, so it requires to have different driver id in a previous location report. If your device doesn't report driver id in every message, you won't get an event, which is probably what's happening in your case.
Okay, I'll check it out later and come back with the answer.
Thank you for the explanation! Now I can see that the delay I mentioned is due to the status of the device - information about logging in the driver is sent only when the device status is online (green color). If the device has been offline for several minutes (red color), information about driver changes is not sent. When the device has been offline for several minutes and the driver is authorized, the notification will not be sent.
By the way, I wanted to ask if it is possible to make a notification when the dallas key is applied and taken? My point is to get information when the key is announced on site and taken (such key deposit).
You can use attribute copying to keep old driver id. Then driver change should work.
I don't know what you mean. Can you tell me more about it?
You can probably search. It has been discussed before. Basically attributes copying ensures that you have driver id in every message by copying it from previous message if missing.
Thank you, I will look for more information on this topic and let you know.
I did some reading on the forum and found that adding the following code to the traccar.xml file should help.
<entry key='processing.copyAttributes.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='processing.copyAttributes'>driverUniqueId</entry>
Unfortunately, I have the impression that it does not work in my case as I expected. I want the same ibutton identifier to be read a several times in a row. Besides, is there anything I can do to get the traccar notifications about the dallas key application immediately, whether the device is online or offline?
I want the traccar to receive information about the applied ibutton key immediately and that the same ibutton key can be read several times in a row.
I want it to work like this because there will be an ibutton in the glove compartment of the company car along with the car key. I want to control the presence of the key in the socket, so that I will know if the car keys are in place (the ibutton key is in the socket = the car keys are in place; the ibutton key is not in the socket = the car keys are not in place).
Unfortunately that's not supported. One workaround you can try is to create an alarm using computed attributes.
At the outset, I would like to apologize for a large number of questions - I have a Traccar server recently and I am trying to understand some things.
I apologize in advance if any of my questions are basic. I searched the forum for answers to my questions, but unfortunately I did not find it.
I will be grateful for the hints.