Time to update the GPS position on the map

Inth4 years ago

I would like to know if it is possible to set the refresh time of the transmitter's position on the map? Now, when I look at the location of my devices in real time, I can see significant delays, as if the transmitter has been in place for some time (e.g. 1 min). I would like the location to be updated every 5 seconds, for example. When I look at the location histories, I can see that the location there is refreshed more often than you can see in the live preview.

By the way, I like the modern interface very much, but I miss the color of the icon, symbolizing movement or a stop. It would also be nice if, after launching the application, the map would automatically expand to where the devices are located. It would be nice if I could check the speed in the history of trips at the moment. Can I set the mobile application to always run on the modern interface?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Traccar should be updating map location without any delays. If it doesn't happen, you need to look for a cause. Maybe something wrong with websocket connection or some issue with the device or backend.

qlex4 years ago

Hi Inth,
did you solve your problem? I seem to have the same; AFAIK running same setup on traccar 4.13 (problem is there) and traccar 4.10 - problem is not appearing. Web refreshes the location not often than 1 minute.

homa3 years ago

Hi! I have the same problem. Point moving on map with delay around 1minute or may be map show penultimate position. But if I quicly build route report, then last point in report will be presist ant will be farther than point of now location.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Have you checked if websocket connection is online?

homa3 years ago

Your are right again. I'm use WAF for publication traccar. For WAF publiction must be enable WebSocket passthrough