New color of the rote and trips


Can someone help me? I'm trying to change the route's color to new color on the reports (Route, Trips). Currently is light purple/pink. Could you give me an idea on how to do this?
In this forum, I found only info about GUI/themes, but not how to change the color of the routes.
In the config file /web/app/Style.js I found info about colors, but when I modify this file I don't see results.
Currently, I'm using the Gray theme. Does it affect?

Joystick5 years ago

After making the changes in Style.js, clear your browser cache and login to debug mode e.g. http://yourserver/debug.html If that work for you then you need to run minify to see the changes outside of debug mode. Hope it helps

Cristian5 years ago

Thank you gentleman for your answers.

Pete, you're right. After clearing the browser cache and logging back into debug mode, I saw my changes from the Style.js file.
So, transferring this idea, I did the same for a standard link. I cleaned the browser cache a few times, stopped the traccar service on the server, activated another theme, and started the traccar service with a new theme in Style.js. After several times, my theme start works with the new map color from my proposal.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Cristian, I don't see this Attribute in my settings (server attributes). Do I need to change my traccar.xml?

Cristian5 years ago

You must add the attribute to the device

Cristian5 years ago
gabrielcz4 years ago

Thank you cristian, helped to me too.