C13 Relay GPS NOT Responding Commands

Baja Racer4 years ago


I Bought a C13 Relay GPS Tracker, it comes with a instructions and the 360GPS app but I want to redirect to my Traccar server but isn't working. Device isn't responding any commands. Tried with a different SMS card and same. I put the same SMS card to a phone device and is getting and sending SMS without any issue. Can anyone help me?

This is the manual link: http://cms.360gps.net:8000/description/C13%20Manual.pdf


Robert4 years ago
Ben4 years ago

I also bought the C13 GPS tracker, Also not responding to any SMS commands. I tested the functionality of the the SIM card connection by calling to the number and it is working just fine. I connected the device to http://cms.360gps.net for testing purposes and its working. If anybody has any idea on this issue please advice.

Ray3 years ago

Do not use password. Just the command without the #8....#

Vic3 years ago

Buen día ya pide solucionar el problema con esta caspa de gps chino. El GPS viene con el manual tocado q no sirve para nada. Los comandos no funcionan. Encontré estos comando y me funcionó en la plataforma y con los comandos at..
Apagar vehículo... Stock:cut
Encender. Stock: ok
Cambia APN... ( Ojo es con la coma ,)
Stap: internet.movistar.com.co,869207030365200,123456
Ver todo.... Rdst
Reset..... Rest
Cualqu duda al

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Please don't post personal contact details, like email, phone number etc.

arni123 years ago


please help.

I have the gps360 application installed. earlier, I could have two gps devices written after the imei. now, when I try to add a second device, I enter the imei password but I do not know what to enter in the account name item?

What should I do to view two devices?
