course via OsmAnd protocol

Arne7 years ago

I am sending updates to the traccar server with an application that reads the position from a garmin GPS/CarNav device.
Can someone help me with getting the "course" data (direction of travel) into the traccar database?
I have tried URLs like×tamp=5433211&hdop=3&altitude=50.2&speed=10.6&course=185.6×tamp=5433211&hdop=3&altitude=50.2&speed=10.6&direction=185.6

But the 'course' always shows up as "N".
Logfile on the server says:

2018-03-29 10:46:19  INFO: [3C309375] id: 123456, time: 2018-03-29 10:46:17, lat: 40.12450, lon: 5.10002, speed: 10.6, course: 0.0


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can use key bearing or heading for course value.

Arne7 years ago

Works like a charm!
Thank you so much.

Slightly related question: How do you get the accuracy of the GPS position into traccar? I can use the HDOP parameter, but when I specify "&accuracy=14.5" the Accurary Value in the Web Interface still shows "0.00km"

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You should be able to use accuracy. Try number without decimal part.

Arne7 years ago

That did the trick. At least I think it's working now. Accuracy is displayed in Kilometers with 2 decimal places. So in most cases it is either 0.00 oder 0.01km
Maybe it makes more sense to display it in meters.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

In Traccar we use accuracy mostly for cell based locations where 1km and higher values are very common.

Ryan Cee4 years ago

What is the difference between the timestsmp= and the tamp= in the osmand protocol?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

There's no such thing as "tamp". It's just forum formats &times... to ×....

Ryan Cee4 years ago

Ok thank you.