Delays in push notifications

Wanderson4 years ago

The app is "killed" by the system in the background, even if you remove the battery optimization option! If the app is open, the push arrives instantly after the alert! If closed it arrives late.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Push notifications should work even if the app was killed.

Mega Box Brasil4 years ago

Wanderson, in addition to battery optimization, has 2 more items: Data optimization, and application that restarts with Android.

You have to remove the application to not save battery, remove it to not save data, and put it to start with Android (if there is this option)

Wanderson3 years ago

Obrigado! fiz os ajustes, adicionei permissões mas ainda ocorre atrasos, vou tentar fazer o app se manter aberto!
Thanks! I made the adjustments, added permissions but there are still delays, I will try to make the app stay open!

tambiu2 years ago

Wanderson, conseguiu resolver ? Eu tenho o mesmo problema