TK903 - Server Time

Cris Amende4 years ago


We have various Sinotrack TK903 devices used in our server version of Traccar, several of these function without any problems, however more recently added trackers seem to submit a time which is 2 hours ahead of the server time, which results in the tracker not moving through the screen when in motion. We have checked device settings and all setting for the trackers that work without problem and those that have this issue are exactly the same.

We're running the server (LINUX VPS) in local time zone (GMT +2 DST)
Trackers use the H02 protocol (Port 5013)
They do communicate with the server, position data is stored in the Mysql database, but with a different devicetime and fixtime.

id	protocol	deviceid	servertime	devicetime	fixtime
60241040	h02	991	06-Aug-21 10:39:07	08/06/21 12:39	08/06/21 12:39
60241103	h02	755	06-Aug-21 10:39:22	08/06/21 10:39	08/06/21 10:39

991 is one of the trackers that has this problem
755 is one that functions correctly.

Does anybody have any idea what could be wrong ?

Thanks in advance for any help we can get.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Most likely the device is not sending UTC time, which causes this issue.

Cris Amende4 years ago

Thanks, that seems to be the problem, anybody any thoughts on how to get the device to send UTC time, as we have tried resetting the time zone, but that did not have any effect?

Thanks for any help that can be given.